Recent content by klaus

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  1. klaus

    Is the Homebrew hobby in decline?

    Not saying it's all bad - met quite a few amateurs who started (or re-started) and got licensed during lockdown. I volunteer at the National Radio Centre and the stories I hear are amazing. Keeping up the momentum is the important bit now.
  2. klaus

    Is the Homebrew hobby in decline?

    On and off brewing for around 30 years, Boots got me into it, was always fascinated by the kits on display, but shop retail is more or less dead now, however the number of suppliers on the web is amazing. Then there's still the age old question "Is it safe to drink?" .... in these safety...
  3. klaus

    Festival kit low ABV

    I recently done the Festival American IPA and am very pleased with the result - must admit I didn't take any readings but followed the instructions almost to the letter. I brewed this kit in two batches a couple of months apart and both came out very tasty, good strength and the hoppiness is...
  4. klaus

    What are you drinking 2024.

    Festival Kit American IPA - bottled a week ago Taster bottle - 0.3l - clear in the bottle - tend to pour out some sediment Nicely carbonated - great taste (Citra dry hopping)
  5. klaus

    To old to move on

    Finance and accounting is notorious for age discrimination, 50 is mega old unless youmade it to top management or partner - I won't even try. Getting my state pension in August, guess my age.... but I retired early in 2019 and didn't regret it wink...
  6. klaus

    Death by cycle.

    No issue with cyclists who brake the law being called to book, just like car drivers are/should be. I'm both. wink... However, calls for registration schemes, licensing and insurance should be coupled to a ramping up of investment in cycling infrastructure. That would enable more people feeling...
  7. klaus

    Has the law changed on distilling?

    Hi from G7RTI (also GE7RTI) - love home brewing, but only the liquid kind wink...
  8. klaus

    Has the law changed on distilling?

    You are allowed to sell equipment, even though using it for the purpose for which it is designed is illegal without permission or licence. I thought I had seen a note on the MM website some time ago. CB radio is mentioned above, a licence is no longer required AFAIK, it comes under general...
  9. klaus


    CJJ Berry's book has a recipe, but too sweet for my liking.
  10. klaus

    I received my postal vote today

    Have you sent your ballot paper yet? I wouldn't accept offers to take it for me - can't remember when I last saw a political campaigner come to my door ... safe(?) Tory seat.
  11. klaus

    Potential bottle carbonation tip

    For years I used a Calpol measuring spoon (small end 2.5ml) and had good results. Lost it then bought a selection of measuring spoons from the £ shop again good results. Not really a faff - just the odd bottle I miss but catch those before bottling (always look into the bottle before filling ...).
  12. klaus

    Cleaning stained demi johns

    In the past I have have used my usual brew cleanser VWP full strength per gallon cold water and left it overnight. 99% all muck was cleaned up.
  13. klaus

    Kit beer

    As said you boil a small amount of water (2 - 4 litres depending on kit). Essentially all the "normal" boiling has been done in manufacturing the kit. The boiled water is only there to make dissolving the kit contents easier.
  14. klaus

    Get yer claims in

    never had car finance ... bummer
  15. klaus

    The big question.

    It's certainly a NO from me though I don't like the way that "social media" is screwing with our minds. I know it's driven by a business model which knows no scruples, and I do switch off the "smart" phone and tell certain people DO NOT expect a reply to their message within seconds of receipt...