yup me wherrys stuck....grrr

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Jan 23, 2010
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Brewing in a bag ,in Northampton
i have a wherry stuck at 1020....
i added half a litre of warm water with 3 tsp of nutrient and a few oz of brown sugar, and gave it a gentle stir,
i thought it may kick start it, that was 4 days ago the hydrometer hasnt dropped anymore, :roll:

whats next....
can i bottle it will it be any good as it is.... :wha:
Wherry is famous for getting stuck. It will be a bit sweet and weak at the moment. Do you have any spare sachets of yeast that you could chuck in?
Try a different yeast to the one that was used with the kit. Do you have any Safale S-04 handy? Is so then give that a go.
Mine stuck at 1020 too. All I had at hand was some yeast that came in a Coopers kit (not sure what kit it came from) that managed to get it down to 1016. I bottled it last weekend so I'll have a bottle of it this weekend to see how progress is going :drink:
added another yeast that i started, in the airing cupboard for 3 hrs.. :party:

in a half litre of warm water with 4 tsp nutrient,a few oz of sugar, the wherry started re-fermenting after an hour..... :party:

ive left the hydro in it to moniter progress the airlock is very slow but moving... :pray:

it does smell great though.

why cant they get the wherry product sorted...? :wha:
my tom caxton/edme kits never have a problem... :cheers:
the wherry has been bottled for 6 weeks,
its cleared a little but you still cant see through it....
it tastes nice, maybe a little sweet but never the less a very drinkable beer, :cheers:

i may try another wherry brew later, with a few adaptations, :thumb:
Wherry was the first kit I tried and, yep, it stuck too. I managed to get the FG down to 1.011, but that was after pitching a further sachet of yeast. It's been in the bottle for 1 month so far, and like yours, artyb, it's still cloudy.

It tastes OK if a little sweet, but I couldn't agree with you more - why can't they sort it? After all, it ain't exactly cheap and it IS supposed to be a premium product.

Rant over!
I did my Wherry kit last saturday, and had the same problem. After about 24 hours of activity it stopped.

After reading threads on here, I'd already replaced the kit yeast with S-04. I'm just making up a starter to see if that will kick it into life.
