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Attempt 2 at an Italian Pils. This time fermenting in a Fermzilla All Rounder.

Was happy with the malt bill in my first attempt, so that hasn't changed too much. Mix of Crisp German Pilsner (to keep costs down), Weyermann Eraclea, and a touch each of Weyermann Carahell and Carafoam.

Grist bag


I didn't massively like the red berry note I got, which I'm blaming on Saphir, so that's out. Using mostly noble hops here.

L-R Magnum, Saaz, Tettnanger, Spalter Select x2, Hallertau Mittelfrüh (some of these are for dry hop)


Have kept water profile similar, but evened up the Chloride:Sulphate ratio (first attempt had more chloride, but perhaps muted the hops a little).

Brewday was pretty uneventful. Annoyingly pump stopped during whirlpool and I didn't notice, but added another 5 minutes with pump on and got a decent hop cone.



Hit my gravity and ended up with about 0.5l extra in the fermenter.

Decent colour and clarity on it


Couldn't get any lower than 23.5° through the counterflow chiller as mains water too warm. Fermenting at 16° so a while to go in the ferm fridge. I pitched at 19° as the all rounder was starting to squish. Within the range of the yeast so although I wouldn't normally pitch warmer than fermentation temperature, hopefully no harm done.

I intend to ferment at no (well atmospheric, for the pedants) pressure for 24 hours and then bump up 5psi each day until I reach 15psi. This should hopefully give me enough pressure to cold crash without needing too much of a gas top-up.

I have held the dry hop bag in place with a magnet, but they're just about touching the top of the wort. I'm not sure I'll bother doing this again and will just depressurise, add dry hops, and then repressurise the fermenter in future.

Worst part of brewing, emptying the mash tun and cleaning up.

