I set off a bitter last Friday, 1049 og. based on marris otter and crystal malts with northern brewer and challenger hops
the yeast came from what I cultivated from a bottle of first gold co-op bottled conditioned bitter. It set off like a train with 2.5 inch growth on the top of the wort within 3 hours, lovely smells etc.
However it has now been in the FV for over a week an the growth has not dropped at all, now looks like a sort of dough rather than bubbles. still smells brilliant, do you think it would be a good idea to drop it into another FV to get rid of the head and see if it settles a bit or leave it for a bit longer.
the yeast came from what I cultivated from a bottle of first gold co-op bottled conditioned bitter. It set off like a train with 2.5 inch growth on the top of the wort within 3 hours, lovely smells etc.
However it has now been in the FV for over a week an the growth has not dropped at all, now looks like a sort of dough rather than bubbles. still smells brilliant, do you think it would be a good idea to drop it into another FV to get rid of the head and see if it settles a bit or leave it for a bit longer.