US-05 works well with my fresh ginger brews, thats more like a 5 gallon brew recipe with a target 4-5% alcohol..
and i would use 750g-1kg of ginger 1.5 kg will be strong
in a good way
, just wash and grate with a cheese grater collecting the juice too.
and a 30-40 minute boil of all the ingredients in 10L+ solution, straining thru a sieve when added to the cold water in the fv.
i dont add cloves or cinnamon but i may now you mention them..
i will also add a tablespoon of dry ginger at the end of the boil before straining into the fv, it does not need cooking..
i also add 1/2- 1 Teaspoon of chilli powder for a lil extra kick too but be carefull with that, i once added a tablespoon and the result needed diluting 50/50 with juice to make it drinkable..
And add a strong mug of tea for the tannin too imho..
fwiw i tend to splurge on 2 x tins of light dme and add 500g of lactose to sweeten tho u can use an artificial sweetener too if you prefer, and it may be best to wait till primary has finished and you can dose any sweetener to taste?
i dont know about 2kg of demerara sugar, it depends on how much of a mollasses flavour it has, if little tghen it should be fine but some dark sugars have quite the mollasses flavour.. I once added a 1lb jar of mollasses to a ginger beer experimenting and it resulted in an overpowering licorice taint that wasnt pleasant..
tho thats just my take, not golden rules..