I've searched online for an Xmas punch/mulled cider sort of brew, I've got plenty of ale to drink but would like something to make up for my mum, the Jamie Oliver mulled wine recipe sounds good but I was wondering if anyone has any family recipes that use the usual xmas things like clementines,cloves, nutmeg etc all that *****,
also any sort of recipes with bourbon incorporated would be nice, me and my bro love a bourbon (Woodforde reserve, makers mark,monkey shoulder. any old tesco *****, but not jack daniels) with apple juice, anyone got any mulled cider recipes that i could make up with a bit of bourbon?
maybe everyone could post their fave recipes to give an idea?
ptfc ok :
also any sort of recipes with bourbon incorporated would be nice, me and my bro love a bourbon (Woodforde reserve, makers mark,monkey shoulder. any old tesco *****, but not jack daniels) with apple juice, anyone got any mulled cider recipes that i could make up with a bit of bourbon?
maybe everyone could post their fave recipes to give an idea?
ptfc ok :