WTF are these?! Fruit flies?

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Jun 23, 2011
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When transferring my Columbus SMASH to 2ndary I saw a wee tiny fly in the liquid just as I was finishing syphoning. It was alive so I assumed it had just got it at that moment. Wasn't too concerned.

Well when I was transferring it to keg (today) I saw this in the airlock :



I sincerely hope these were trying to get IN and not OUT.

The brew smells ok and tastes fine. In addition, I went through the crap left at the bottom of the fermenter and there was nothing in there other than yeast.

Any advice/tips/etc?

I had a little basterd get in to my Tripple when I was racking it off, I saw him fly in and scooped him out with my finger. This was a month ago and I bottled it 2 days ago and it still looked, smelled and tasted good so you should be OK I think.

I hate fruit flies more than anything else. The little bastards always end up in my glass of beer. :evil:
aah the little fruit fly. one of a whole range of tiny flies that are responsible for turning alcohol into vinegars, They have been around ever since fruit started to ferment in the wild and the Egyptians knew about them and used them for vinegars,and medicines.
Looks like your air lock was successful in its job of preventing them reaching their goal....your brew.
You cant beat them at this time of the year there are too many, You just have to take precautions in keeping the surface of your brew and equipment that will touch your brew covered either physically with a cloth or by a sanitation liquid....
Little buggers. My compost bin is swarming with them as I tend to throw my old yeasts and brew deposits in their. They don't half annoy my dog...