Wort Dilution Calculator

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Apr 30, 2010
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Does such a thing exist?
I'm looking to work out how much 1L of water would dilute my wort.
I guess I'd need to add in the gravity and volume of wort I have?

Basically trying to work out the effect on my gravity reading of adding water when I miss my target volumes!!
Beersmith has a tool that will do that.
I think you could probably come up with a forumla in Excel, actually it looks like Aleman gives this in the link from theboytony :thumb:
Hmmm I have Beersmith!!!
Will hunt around in it!

Thanks for the link too - just going to check it out....
This is from one of Aleman's posts on how to liquor back

(Current Gravity x Current Volume) / Desired Gravity = Final Volume

Just use the last 2 digits of the SG, ie 1048=48 and final volume will give you how much to add to the wort you have ended up with :? :lol:
Good Ed said:
This is from one of Aleman's posts on how to liquor back

(Current Gravity x Current Volume) / Desired Gravity = Final Volume

Just use the last 2 digits of the SG, ie 1048=48 and final volume will give you how much to add to the wort you have ended up with :? :lol:
Or by simple rearrangement

(Current Gravity x Current Volume) / (Current Volume + 1) = Gravity after 1 Litre has been Added ;)

Of course this does assume that all liquid volumes are in Litres :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: