Woodfords werry

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Active Member
Feb 3, 2021
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Good evening all.
I have just bought my second kit to brew, my first one in the end turned out nice after all the troubles to start with.

This time instead of a lager I have gone for the werry ale and was wondering what can be added into it to give a different taste. I was thinking about some honey. At what point do.i.add the honey is it.during fermenting stage or at keeping stage instead of sugar,

Thanks in advance
Why would you want to change the taste if you've never tried it before? It's best to try it as it comes then make any adjustments. It's entirely up to you though but I'm thinking if you do something you may make something you may not like and not really know whether it was the actual beer or what you added...
Why would you want to change the taste if you've never tried it before? It's best to try it as it comes then make any adjustments. It's entirely up to you though but I'm thinking if you do something you may make something you may not like and not really know whether it was the actual beer or what you added...
Decided to add a little extra after reading what's been said about it after I bought it
I'd leave it well alone mate. If it's only your second kit brew then you really want to concentrate on getting your processes consistent and producing what the brewer intended rather than putting your own stamp on it this early in your career.

For what it's worth, Wherry is one of the nicest kit brews I ever made, and I might just be a bit biased here but I reckon it's one of the closest kits you can get to a pub product.