Woodfordes Wherry - original gravity low?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2012
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Hi all,

I have started my first brew - Woodfordes Wherry, which seems to be the starters ale of choice by the looks of it!

Anyway, thanks to this forum my first batch is in the FV as of 1pm yesterday (Sunday). This morning when I looked it was bubbling nicely and looking through the side of the FV it looked like a reasonable amount of foam on the top too. So all in all I';m happy with how its going.

My only slight concern is my starting gravity. It was 1034/6. I completely forgot to sterilise the sample pot beforehand so I put the sterilised hydrometer into the wort directly. It was tricky to get the exact number due to foam but its roughly that. Given other peoples experiences with the Wherry's FG I'll end up with a beer at about 2.5%!!!

Looking around on this forum that seems a bit low. Any thoughts? Does it need a but more of a stir? I did give it a good stir with just the hot water and then again when topped up with the cold.

Thanks in advance!
It might be that you didn't stir it enough to dissolve everything properly, that will result in a low og but it will still ferment out so it'll be fine, i wouldn't stir it again just leave it but next time give it a real beating so that the paddle or spoon comes out clear afterwards.
Have you calibrated your fv? The markings are sometimes out a little bit which means you could be adding too much water which would also result in a lower og
Have you calibrated your fv?

Oh! No I haven't! And now you mention it I did have to guess the 23 ltr mark as it incremented in 5 litres. I am happy that my guesstimate of 23 is ok according to the tub markings but you may be right in that they are out.

Next time I'll measure it properly just to be sure...

Thanks eggman!
Mark off 30, 36, and 40 pints. Better to do it all in one go than further down the line doing a kit that is 36 pints and having to do it all again
Oh! No I haven't! And now you mention it I did have to guess the 23 ltr mark as it incremented in 5 litres. I am happy that my guesstimate of 23 is ok according to the tub markings but you may be right in that they are out.
If you have some bathroom scales weigh it, should be around a kg/ltr + fv.
+1 for lack of stirring though.
Right, its been 8 days since this (my first) brew was started.

Took some gravity readings:

Satuday 1.006
Sunday 1.006

so figured time to keg which I have done today.

I'm quite pleased that the gravity dropped that low as I was slightly concerned by the low starting point. I had a quick taster too whilst I was kegging and its tastes great! Slightly harsh on the bitterness but I guess that will tone down once the second ferment has passed and the beer matures.

Not sure how long I'll be able to leave it before my patience runs out :)
I usually leave my Wherry for 4 weeks in the keg, warm for 3 days then the pantry floor for the rest, comes out lovely.
I'm going to *try* for 4 weeks, but as this is my first brew I'm not sure I'll make it that long.....
jus took a reading of my wherry its 1.010 after 8 days so gonna leave mine a bit longer before putting into a keg like you the patience is killing me
I think Wherry is stocked in every Wilko store so gets a big exposure .....
Glad to see that there are people getting "normal" FG readings - never done this kit myself, over many years never had a hydrometer, but mst kits came out fine. Must try the Wherry then ....
klaus said:
I think Wherry is stocked in every Wilko store so gets a big exposure .....
Glad to see that there are people getting "normal" FG readings - never done this kit myself, over many years never had a hydrometer, but mst kits came out fine. Must try the Wherry then ....

I think your right as it seems its so many peoples first brew. This is the first time I have done a batch but my friend SE10PAT is on "Wherry MK3" and they have all turned out really nice.
Bought a Wherry kit for a birthday present in my local Tesco's the other day.

Was marked up at £19.99 bargain!

Only to get to the till and it rung up at £21.99

So after showing them where I got it from I eventually got it for the lower price.

Hassle though as I was in a rush.
I also just made my first Wherry and got an OG of somewhere around 1034-1036 (also had trouble reading through the foam!!!) I'm a little concerned with how low it started, but I know I mixed everything in well, the spoon came up clear when dragged along the bottom of the FV. I have approx 23l in the FV. I'm sure it'll be ok, but slightly disappointed with that OG.
With a kit, just mix in the stated amount of water and you will get the OG claimed - it can't be otherwise. Unless they're watering down the syrup.

I never bother measuring OGs for kits, just take it on trust.

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