Woodfordes Norfolk Nog Question

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Active Member
Mar 21, 2012
Reaction score
John O'Groats
Hi Guys

Yes I know, Billy no mates at new years - just me and several bottles of homebrew..... oh yeah and the family, somewhere, suffering my party mix (MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA)

Anyway question re the Nog. I batched primed the bottles with 80 gm of dark malt extract which might have been a bit too much (flavour rather than amount) as the taste is rather overpowering, dry & astringent. Not unpleasent, just not something I could drink more of...... than 1 bottle at a time.... Anyway, do you chaps think it will mellow out if I can hold off drinking for a month or so. (it has been conditioning for about 8 weeks to date).

And, before I forget, happy new year and thank you for the help at various times during the year - you make brewing (more) fun - cheers
yeah, it'll get better. i've never had the nog, but it'll at least be less harsh and taste more natural and blended, even after just a couple of weeks. try altering serving temps too, warmer beers will taste maltier and fuller, cooler will be less malty but may be perceived as a little more bitter...
Cheers Rob, didn't think about the serving temp. I'll let one acclimatise before opening and see. I'll also leave the other crate in the barn for another month and check improvement then!


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