Which boiler.. decisions decisions...

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Active Member
Mar 8, 2009
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Afternoon all… I’m currently planning my first AG brew after about 15 successful kit brews (the Woodfordes Wherry being the best after a good couple of months bottle conditioning!!) This forum has been great so far.. really interesting, helpful and some good funny banter too…

I’ve got most of the gear I need but the only thing I need to do now is get myself a boiler. I’m not planning on increasing my batch size so sticking with the 25litre mark. I’m trying to decide whether to get an electric boiler (burco type) from ebay or make my own poly bucket/kettle element affair. Any thoughts.. I think I’m swaying towards the Burco option but I was thinking it will need modifying to ensure I can get a constant rolling boil? This easy to do?

Anyway – I promise some pics from my first AG day.. can’t wait!!

If I could do it again I wouldn't have bothered with a plastic bucket boiler. Many are fine with them but I have reservations.

The continuous temperature rating of the plastic may be above the boiling point of wort but the metal back plate to the kettle elements (which are much hotter than the rating of the plastic) doesn't appear all that isolated from the element itself, which, in my mind at least, raises concerns if you want to extend the boil (in high gravity brews for example) - the heat may conduct round.

Under rated computer cables are often used, increasing the chance of failure.

The buckets themselves may be increasingly hard to source, wall thicknesses are (according to one homebrew retailer) not adequate for sale as boilers following a redesign, and I would question the use of young's FV type buckets following one failure on another forum around the welded base resulting in severe scalding for the brewer and boiling wort all over the kitchen floor.

The bucket I made mine out of is still fairly 'squidgy' when the boil's up and rolling, it's not a confidence inspiring piece of kit.

Mind you, rebadged nappy boilers don't seem to have the requisite capacity for a 40 pint brew length, requiring you to hold back some wort in a jug and top up as it evaporates during the boil.

Basically there is no cheap off-the-shelf purpose built boiler available to the homebrew market. Hence the popularity of building your own. But when dealing with electricity at 240V and 10A, intending to boil 20kg of highly conductive liquid, you've got to be confident in what you're doing, some on here are and that's fine, I'm not really so shake my fist at the lack of equipment available.
if its a off the shelf model your after and your on a budget go for one like this -

ive only used it once, but im happy with it.
The electrim is still twice the price it should be IMO. And it comes with a thermostat which seems to add complication.

Vossy1 said:
Alternatively, why not go the gas route and negate the electrics :hmm:
Exactly what I intend to do ;)
ano said:
The electrim is still twice the price it should be IMO. And it comes with a thermostat which seems to add complication.

I agree the therostat does add complications, but if your using th BIAB (and like me not got round to completing my mash tun :( )method like me then once you get the hang of it its a god send.
:wha: Gas route.. more thoughts!?!?!.. I do have a 30 litre 316 stainless bucket... But you would need some burner to get 25litres boiling? !! This would be cheap to set-up but would gas not work out more expensive than electricity in the long run?... anyone looked at this??

Some more research to do!!
Oh yeah it's not like a camping stove, but homebrew shops do sell burners like these and others. Coupled with catering stock pots with thick bottoms which are designed to sit on a gas flame and the job's a good 'un. Then you can get pilot lights and automated cutoffs, build it into your brew stand and end up somewhere around here.

Maybe I've overly complicated things, you don't need any of that to brew beer, just get the Electrim they're fine.
Interesting thread.

After todays shennanigans I'm also on the look out for a boiler. No way I'm making one myself. I'd end up electrocuting myself and plunging the whole of the southeast into darkness!
WOW ANO... that thing is wired up like the space shuttle!!

Thanks for all the info so far - i'll let you know what I opt for when I make my purchase!!

One last one.. anyone had any experience of modifying a Burco to constant boil ?
Cool just wasn't sure if it cut off say at 95oC or something? If not and it will rapid boil great !!! Thanks again all :cheers:
GeordieBrewer said:
Cool just wasn't sure if it cut off say at 95oC or something? If not and it will rapid boil great !!! Thanks again all :cheers:

None of the ones I've personally come across do that, however I have heard reports occasionally of it happening down to a dodgy cut-out. If that happens, post a photo of the innerds of your Burco and I'll tell you how to bypass it.
Some burcos do not boil, and do require 'modifying'

I went the Gas route as I didn't want to run a 75A feed out to the shed
This brewporn is very bad for my future wallet! A fully gas system would be fantastic, though. But we're looking at, what, at least three or four weekends, and the best part of a grand?

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