Which beer line cleaner?

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Jul 28, 2008
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i'm about to place an order with King-UK for some bits n pieces, a case of 48 nucleated glasses, 2 stainless drip trays... but their minimum order is £75 :(

so i'm looking at beer line cleaners to get it to the minimum order

here's their list: http://www.king-uk.com/ProductList....653&name=Beer Line Cleaners&selection=DEFAULT

which one would you guys recommend?

it's quite convenient that their office for non commercial customers is in Northampton :D
The Bactosol or Prosan

How much are those SS drip Trays . . . and can you get me one :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:
they're £25 each... not cheap but will last forever! they do brass ones too :thumb:

I remember my coshh training all those years ago. They don't actually teach you how to hit drunks with clubs as I thought at the time.

cheers! Bactosol it is then :cool:

can you recommend a dosage? (if it's not already on the tub)
Should definitely say it on the container.

We always had them on a dispense pump which told you how many times to push etc. Basically looking after muppet bartenders! You're good and pissed when you do the line clean so measuring out bleach isn't a given. Bar lines will be defnitely longer than yours unless you have your kegs and cooler in another room to your bar setup. Normally between 2-4 pints in the line between keg and tap on a Bar/Pub so you connect up the supply to water first, pull through the beer into jugs and stop the tap when the water comes through. Then connect up your line cleaning solution. This way you get to nail all the pints whilst you let the bactosol do it's thing. Prosan is even more drunk friendly as it's purple!
hmmm i might go prosan then.... i want to be sure i'm not drinking beer line cleaner (as i am a drunk) :lol:
Once you start running the lines out with water you can tell if there's still any cleaner in them by feeling the run off as it stops getting that "bleachy slippery feeling" (technical term) you get when using sanitiser for example. Purple is another good indicator though obviously!

Cleaning lines is something I've been quite fastidious about in running Bars and you can tell straight off when people don't do it often enough. Yuck!
You don't need to use your beer-line cleaner just for cleaning beer lines i use it like Antiformin it's basicaly the same beast. :party:

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