when to bottle

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Active Member
Sep 8, 2011
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I dont have no way of testing the beer till i get hydrometer i think it called. my framboos has been in fermenting bin for 3 days and bubbling nicely every few seconds, how can i tell when to bottle
In the past I have done many kit brews and just played it by sight, i.e. by day 10 generally visible activity will have ceased with the surface clearing, then I bottled - never had any problems. With the small quantities we brew we don't need to be too scientific. Common sense and good sanitation is most important.
I always leave it the FV for at least a week until I have a constant FG (in my case usually 1015), then drop it into a clean sanitised FV for a few more days at the same fermentation temp this allows the yeast to clean up after it self. Then I leave it somewhere cooler to drop clear. Once the beer is bright I bottle it.
ok thanks for the info. fermentation seems to be slowing so will leave a week and see whats happening