When is it finished fermenting?

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Aug 16, 2010
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As I'm on my first brews I'm not quite sure what to look for in terms of when is it finished.
I have one DJ that seems to be very slow now and wondered what is considered finished?

1 bubble per minute? 1 bubble every 5 minutes?
I'd like to pitch in and say I'm brewing TC atm and it's about 1 bubble per 3 minutes, any thoughts on that would be appreciated although I think I could pre-empt the response anyway.
I've got in:

Apple wine
Apple and Blackberry wine
Wurzel's Orange Wine (after reading on here and thought would give it a go)

The Apple wine is looking very slow now, its been in the DJ for about 9 days.
its finished when it starts becoming clear, unless you dont want it to be dry then you should use campden tablets when its at the gravity you want it to be. medium sweet is about 1.000 - 1.005 hope that helps :cheers:
TurboTippy said:
I've got in:

Apple wine
Apple and Blackberry wine
Wurzel's Orange Wine (after reading on here and thought would give it a go)

The Apple wine is looking very slow now, its been in the DJ for about 9 days.
Use your hydrometer and taste samples, I use drinking straws to sample from DJs, just make sure you withdraw the straw before you stop sucking so you don't drop a mouthful of spit back down the straw.

My personal opinion:
Apple - let it ferment out to dryness, 0.990 - 0.992
Apple & Blackberry - medium dry, 0.995-ish
Wurzel's Orange - medium, 1.000-ish
1.005 would be medium-sweet, 1.010+ is sweet.