When is fermentation stuck or when has it finished

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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2011
Reaction score
Sandhurst, Berkshire
I'm doing two kits at the moment, Woodfordes wherry and st. Peters Ruby Ale. Both instructions say that the F.G. should be 1014 or below. They've both been reading 1018 for two days now. There doesn't seem to be any bubbles. Has fermentation finished? How closely should you stick to the instructions? None of my kits seem to reach the F.G.
Give them both a gentle stir and make sure the temperature is right.

Check again in a few days and see if it has dropped any more. If you are using spraymalts the FG will be slightly higher than using normal sugar as not all fermentables will have been chomped by the yeasties

Edit Just realised that you are brewing a Wherry which are a two can kit
and no fermentables are added.
Thanks. They are both two tins. But the fact about the difference with sraymalt and sugar is useful and I'll keep that in mind for my next brews.
Kit instructions should usually be taken with a pinch of salt.

As aneray says, check the temperature and give them a couple more days, but that's a fairly normal FG for the Woodforde's kits.

Have you checked your hydrometer reads 1.000 in 20°C water?