When do i add campden tablets

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Jun 29, 2020
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Hi, im doing a kit brew and i want to add cempden tablets, however i only have 1 fermenter and in that i need to add the beer kit and boiling water first before topping up with cold water, can i just add the campden tablet to the wort once ive topped it up to 23l ?
Hi Gaz.
I fill my fv to about 21.5 lts, and add quarter of campden tab.
Then draw off a litre or a bit more into a sterilized jug, cover with cling film and put to one side for final top up.
Mix the kit and fermentables in my biggest saucepan, using a kettle and a half of boiling campden water from the fv.
Once nicely dissolved, add the contents of the pan back into the fv, and top up to 23lts with the jug that was put aside.
It's easier than I made it sound

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