What's your best brew?

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Jul 28, 2008
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The Emerald Isle
I love Fools Gold but for me it's a warm weather summery beer and probably for the winter i'll adopt Wez's Big Kenny which is the opposite to fools gold but in my opinion a great winter beer. Also i'll be searcing for the ultimate stout recipe, i quite like the choc treacle stout you're all probably familiar with but i'll be searching for something better :cool:
The Ushers 1883 Stout takes some beating

My favorite beer has to be Adnams Best Bitter, it is an exceptional example of the style, a great session beer with real balance and bite . . . And brewed just down the coast from the In laws, a great walk along the beach, a few beers, and then ring them to get picked up . . . what more can you want :D First had this one at UEA when I were a lad (6th form in fact ;) , and it was my first great All Grain . . . tried it in the Red Lion last weekend still sublime . . . and should be the Champion beer of Britain :twisted:
A T said:
Aleman said:
The Ushers 1883 Stout takes some beating

You fancy posting the recipe or is it here already? i'll put that to top of the list.

Its in this Brewday thread . . . . Actually that recipe has been modified as the original recipe calls for Pale Amber which has to be home roasted . . . meaning whole malt and crushing it later . . . but the modified recipe is pretty good.
At first I thought my Genius was the muts nuts, but then came Wasp Stinger... that is and awesome pint, and was my regular drinker until my Rauchbier reached maturation.... the rauchbier is flippin gorgeous and will become my most regular brew. but at 5.7% it cant be taken lightly :shock:
Boys this is a hellish place. Last week I was convinced that Bluebird was the ale of ales, this week Big kenny comes into its own and to tell the truth I want to inhale this gift of God , not drink it. I want to brew them both again, n again, n again..... But what about Genius Tard Wasp, and all those othe recipes that take my fancy..... I want to brew a pint of scottish 60/- light but will I have time... will my liver take it.
They are all Flippin great.
I think its a case of whatever you have that is drinking well is the best brew you ever made... at that moment in time

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