What's the OG?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2012
Reaction score
Hi Folks

I put a Coopers pilsner kit on for primary fermentation and added beer enhancer and 150g of pasturised honey. I got the old hydro out to steralise and measure the OG and dropped the bloody thing on my tiled floor and it smashed into a thousand sodding pieces. So I couldn't take the OG. I wanted to boost the ABV a little so I have added 12 0z of demorera (in 3 x 4oz portions gradually over the first 8 days) I have a new hydrometer now, of course, and I'm taking the final readings to see if it has finished after 2 weeks. Its currently at 1012. The problem is I can't work out the ABV. Has anyone got a shot at an approximation of what the OG would be? Just tasted it by the way and it's pretty good. Not sweet so it is well on the way. I'll take another reading tomorrow and see if its dropped any more.

Gonna guess around 1.055, best thing to do is drink a few and see how p!ssed you become !!
pure guesswork (I don't know the kit and you don't say how much BKE or what its composition is) feeding into beersmith says:

1.7kg can +
0.5kg dextrose +
0.5kg DME +
0.15kg honey +
0.34kg demerara

in 23l gives you 1.045. At 1.012 that's about 4.3%.
nice call Pawlo....

level 1.... yawn time
level 2.... nose tingle
level 3.... swimming bath noises in ear
level 4.... can't feel ears
level 5.... feet wander
level 6.... body follows
level 7.... sitting down stage
level 8.... falling down stage
level 9.... " look at the pretty colours "
level 10... Dee dah dee dah, A&E time.
Well... the SG is currently reading 1003-4 after 19 days at a steady 19c! Hope to keg it this weekend. Smells eggy though (I have read this is OK for a lager) and the taste has that 'I think this is going to be pretty good' taste. It's obviously not going to be a true lager having added demorara, but it hopefully, it will be OK.

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