What's gone wrong here?

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Aug 28, 2020
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South West
I wonder if this might be infected. It's a beer I've made lots of times, it's always very good, apart from this time!
It fermented for 14 days, cold crashed for 6 (longer than I intended) and I was surprised to see that when I bottled it (with dextrose in the bottle) it was really cloudy. It's done it's in bottle ferm bit and carbed up... But it's still very cloudy. It's been in the bottle for 3 weeks! And has failed to clear. It tastes unfinished- a bit sweet and manky.
Any guesses? Should I keep it and see what it does? (I once made a Hefewiezen that got infected, it was gloriously sour!). Ordinarily, this would be just about ready now.
What went wrong?
Its a simple beer:
4 x kg MO
1 x kg pale ale wheat
350g crystal dark
Its hopped with Harlequin
Yeast is Nottingham


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If there’s a whole kilo of wheat in there then surely it will stay cloudy for a while?

Let it condition for longer and try it again.
Ok. I just opened a bottle, it tastes cidery, like yeast stress. Temperature was fine, I don't think it's light struck- it just hasn't had long enough. This beer normally goes nice and bright within a fortnight of bottling. I'm tempted to cold crash again, see what happens. I've just looked at the harvested yeast, it hasn't cleared either, which is interesting, because the yeast I put in was clear (what I mean here is that when I harvest I don't wash the yeast, I take some from the trub and use some of the beer to protect the yeast. That, in the jar, is the bit that goes clear). I think perhaps this yeast is tired, this would I think be it's 4th batch.
Think I might have been the master of my own disaster!
Carbonation is fairly normal, if anything slightly less lively than normal, I didn't take a FG, I just leave it for two weeks! Bit naughty really but I know it's finished by then. Unless I've messed it up. It's in my beer fridge at 18C
Carbonation is fairly normal, if anything slightly less lively than normal, I didn't take a FG, I just leave it for two weeks! Bit naughty really but I know it's finished by then. Unless I've messed it up. It's in my beer fridge at 18C

Might not help, because there is some possibility that it had;t finished and got stuck. You could take the gravity of it now and see just to rule it out especially if you are saying it is sweet
It's currently at 1010. I thinks it's done, I'm going to get rid though- it tastes awful and old rather put my energies into a better beer. I might this again! Just to make sure I still can.
Thanks guys 😁
I would suggest if you decide to pour them away it would be worth keeping one or two back if you have space so you can sample after a month or two, either confirming it was bad or if it was something that would have cleaned up over time.
Yes have done! Although I think I have a habit of keeping yeast too long and using it too many times. I've never had a bacterial infection to my knowledge, but have plenty of yeast stress issues. I'll try one in a couple of months and see if it tastes ok. It won't be nectar!

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