What to make when fully AG?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2011
Reaction score
Birmingham, England
So now I'm on the brink of being fully all grain with step mashing capabilities.

I was thinking maybe a milk stout, or something with oats/maize etc? Something that requires a weird step or high mash temp, as this is what i've never been able to achieve. I'm not really interested in aleman's oatmeal stout, as it's not really what I'm into drinking. I'm just after something not particularly standard, but still good to drink! I was also thinking maybe a wheat beer, as I have the yeast and it'd be fun to use 50/50 lager and wheat malts, which again, I could never realstically do before now.

Anyway, throw suggestions at me! I'm quite open minded at this point. :cheers:
well i think you know what i would opt for , as you said a wheat beer :D step temps improve the brew lots so you will see a nice difference .

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