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Active Member
Nov 19, 2012
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I've recently moved my first batch of home brew to the fermenter and now waiting for Party time. :party:
Could someone suggest a kit for my next brew I'm a big fan of London Pride and Blond beers and would love to make some.
I just want to make sure santa gets the right one. :wha:
I'm going to purchase a heating band what other items should I be asking santa for?
2 x 100 litre ss pots a 70 litre ss thermo pot, conical fermenter.........................well you can ask can't you.... :)

The only " Blondie " type ale I made from kit was the Muntons Midas Touch Golden Ale. very nice but the colour was still very amber and not light golden at all.
I've since done an AG brew Exmoor Gold which seem's a lot lighter but its still conditioning and too early to evaluate.
BlackPerks said:
Could someone suggest a kit for my next brew I'm a big fan of London Pride
Make London Pride then :D
http://www.brewuk.co.uk/store/beerkits/ ... ondon.html

Extract brewing isn't that big a leap from kits, the main thing you'll need it a big boil pan (plenty on eBay), and it'll be well worth it. piddledribble mentioned Exmoor Gold, I brewed the Extract version (using the BrewUK ingredients kit) and can honestly say that it was my best brew to date.
thanks I think I may give the Exmore Gold a go next.
I'm not feeling confident enough yet to try it from scratch
piddledribble said:
I've since done an AG brew Exmoor Gold which seem's a lot lighter but its still conditioning and too early to evaluate.

Planning this for my next brew. Interested to know how it turns out PD.
I'm trying to persuade my dad that home brew has moved on since the 70's and 80's, and as he likes London Pride, I'm looking for a reasonable copy of it.

The link says you just need a 10 litre pan (and a way to watch the temp) Is that really it?

I've been brewing tinned beers for a month or 2, and don't currently have the finances/swmbo desire to spend on too much (more) equipment, but can no doubt source a 10 litre pan.

And the only instructions I have found seem far too erm simple?

Boil 8 litres of water in stock pot and steep the crystal malt for half hour at about 70c.
Add 1kg of malt extract at the boil after the steeping and add the target, challenger and northdown hops for 50 mins. Then add the last of the extract and add the EK Goldings for 10 mins to make the whole boil 60 mins. Then pitch your yeast at usual temp and carry on as normal.

I'm assuming the above is a way of getting what you would from the tin?, then top with water and brew as normal?

Anyone have the full instructions to achieving this, as their doesn't appear to be a straight from the tin option (which I would of preferred to give me dad)

If so, time to start to google a 10litre pan...
MadrikXIV said:
Boil 8 litres of water in stock pot and steep the crystal malt for half hour at about 70c.
Add 1kg of malt extract at the boil after the steeping and add the target, challenger and northdown hops for 50 mins. Then add the last of the extract and add the EK Goldings for 10 mins to make the whole boil 60 mins. Then pitch your yeast at usual temp and carry on as normal.

I'm assuming the above is a way of getting what you would from the tin?, then top with water and brew as normal?
That's it. Extract is easy but takes a bit more time than just opening a tin. Do it while SWMBO is out though - mine was not too impressed with the smell.
It shall be added to my april/may payday list :D

As I only live a mile from Carlsberg in Northampton, I shall just claim the wind was blowing in our direction and I had all the windows open :whistle: