What kit should i pick?

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Jul 26, 2011
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Hey, i got 1 bag of muntons medium spray malt.
I'm thinking about replacing 50% of the regular 1kg sugar with this.

This is the bag: http://www.arkwrightshomebrew.com/image ... m_500g.jpg

However, i don't want to order any kits from the web, i want to get started right away.
My local brew store is small, so these are the kits i can chose from:

Coopers Draught
Coopers English Bitter
Coopers Dark Ale
Coopers Real Ale
Coopers Stout

What is the best match?
Are there any total "crashes" that will taste just.. wrong?
Does it really matter what i pick? will they all be good?

Thanks! :drink:
all should be fine,,, why not replace all the sugar? it will be twice as good then.. sugar leaves a beer dry and thin, for full body use spreymalt or even a 1.5kg tin of unhopped malt extract..

the spreymalt is a very fine dry powder (highly hygroscopic) which will clump if just dumped in cold water, so its best to boil it up in a pan to dissolve it, dont open it till the last moment either, in a damp environment it will clump n stick to the inside of the bag if opened and left for a while..

enjoy the beers :)
PhatFil said:
the spreymalt is a very fine dry powder (highly hygroscopic) which will clump if just dumped in cold water, so its best to boil it up in a pan to dissolve it, dont open it till the last moment either, in a damp environment it will clump n stick to the inside of the bag if opened and left for a while..

umm... personally i find spray malt mixes much better with cold water than hot water. I add this to fv with cold water before adding the malt extract and boiling water. Is it just me? i find adding it to hot water makes it clump and stick together like cinder toffee.
Have you tried eating it?
I licked some excess off the end of a pack the other day and it's crazy stuff - just completely disappears in your mouth.
Lovely though!

Tastes just like horlicks tablets :D
I ended up inhaling a small cloud of dark spraymalt when I brewed my porter...


Could be the next big thing to replace the japanese oxygen bars... "Spraymalt Pubs" You heard it here first! :thumb:
Ah! Thanks for the quick answers guys. :clap:

if 1Kg of sugar makes about 4,5 -4,7 % alcohol. What will 1,5 kg of spraymalt make? I want to try a stronger type of beer.
The most exiting kit seems like the "Real Ale" kit, so i will go with that + 1,5 kg of spraymalt, if you guys think it sounds like a decent idea.

And when using the spraymalt. Do i make it and let it ferment the exact same way as i would with sugar?
hi, ive made the real ale and i'd recommend it, especially with 1 or 1.5kg of spraymalt. i recently made up a coopers brewmaster irish stout with 1kg of spraymalt and the OG was 1.045 made up to 20 litres so it depends how much water your using, you would be looking at something in the region of 4-5%. if you want to up the percentage add the normal spraymalt and check the og, if you want it higher then just add more sugar. i usually add the tin of coopers, boiling water, spraymalt then top up with water. the pain in the erse is when the fv has boiled water in it and im holding the pack of spraymalt over it, the steam makes it all clump and cling to the edge of the bag! if this happens just run some cold water very slowly over the clumped bit so it runs into the bag and give it a shake then add to fv.
using 1.5 kg of spreymalt to replace 1kg of sugar will make a stronger beer.
roughly speaking all dried sugars have a similar energy content weight for weight,

while using 1kg of spreymalt to substitute will make a nominally weaker beer i doubt it would even register. the tinned lme (liquid malt extract) contains water, so a 1.5kg tin would substitute for 1 kg of sugar..

if your after a stronger beer then go ahead with1.5kg of spreymalt,

chuck "dme gravity calculator" into google and there are lots of online tools to help you get your beer to a specific gravity using dme (spreymalt, Dried Malt Extract)

shearclass- i only use spreymalt for priming, and in the small quantities i use (80g in 500ml) it it seems to dissolve better in warm/hot water i bow to experience using it in greater quantities.. i once dropped it into a keg dry and it just sat there in a single clump stirring did bug##r all, tho it got eat in the end as there was no sign of it when the keg was emptied :)

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