I leave mine at room temperature in a cupboard (apart from my Amarillo which are currently in the fridge). I'm not a huge fan of extremely bitter beers, but love the aroma that hops can bring, so I'm relieved that Aleman says that aged hops retain (or even enhance) their aroma.
I have just spent a few days on holiday and had the opportunity to sample some wonderful Belgian Lambic blended beers a friend had acquired during a recent stay in the Brussels area. I believe because of the delicate nature of Lambic beers, flavour hops would completely overwhelm the subtle citric and lactic tastes that feature, yet the beers are hopped for the preservative qualities.
Having read Michael Jackson's marvellous book on great Belgian beers, I seem to recall that Lambic beers are only hopped using really stale flowers (at least 2 years old).