What else can I use my cider press for?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2011
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So I have a new press which was christened today.
1 1/2 hours collecting apples; 2 hours cutting, crushing crushing and pressing 1/2 of them has given me 3 gallons so far. Aiming for 18-24 gallons by next monday.


Once this is all done, I don't want to put the press away for a year!

What else can I use it for? Bearing in mind that I don't have access to wine quality grapes?

Help me chap(ette)s!
Rent it out :thumb:

At this time of year there has to be people after a press! It took me ages to find someone to sort my apples out!

By renting it out your homebrew network will grow and you might end up getting access too some wine quality grapes in exchange for lending them your press too :)


why cut apples lol i used a garden shredder all apples in no cutting waisting time have a look at my cider post :thumb:
Unfortunately Tuzak, my garden is about 6' square and t'other 'alf wont be too impressed with me using a shredder indoors. Besides the fact that I don't have one. ;)

Nice suggestion Marrsy.
There's a community Orchard just down the road which is run by my old scout leader from 20-odd years ago. I'm thinking about contacting him to arrange a community event. :thumb: .

However... does anyone have uses for presses that last for more than just one month a year?
You could make cheese :)

You could also use your press to flatten sheeps horn to make walking sticks and crooks with.

Or you could use it to press flowers.....

Or what about freezing fruit to use at a later date?
Hmm. Cheese... Now there's a thought. Wonder how I'd go about that? The press I have is one of the ones with a central screw... :hmm:

Unfortuneately, both freezers are currently full to bursting. I may try and get a good load of crab apples in though, and add them to TC later in the year.

I do make jams, jellies and syrups too Marrsy, but I'm not sure if the press would help with those.
Jams tend to use whole fruit, and pressing on jellies and syrups is a big no-no if you want a clear product.

Plums may be an idea for earlier in the season though. I wonder if you can press rhubarb? :wha:
Wraeccan said:
I wonder if you can press rhubarb?

Yes. Cut it into chunks and freeze them in freezer bags. Remove from freezer, cut a corner off the bag, turn upside down in a bucket (or place in a large plastic or stainless steel colander over a bucket) and loads of the juice will run out as it defrosts. This first run will be peferfectly clear and sediment free. Press the remaining pulp and you'll get nearly as much juice again, but this will have some colour to it and sediment in it. If you use this pure juice by iteself for rhubarb wine you'll get a rhubarby, completely colourless wine that looks like water, so I make with added apple & white grape juice to give it some colour/extra flavours.

Last time I did this, I got 50% of the weight of the rhubarb in juice that ran out by itself, then a further 35% of the original weight in juice by pressing, so a total of 85% overall.
Wraeccan said:
Hmm. Cheese... Now there's a thought. Wonder how I'd go about that?

I have thought about that too. There are other things in common with cheese making. A kegerator would double up as a cheese cave. To find out more try this.

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