This is exactly what i do: (for you start at point 12)
1, Fill fermenter with sterilising solution with long handled spoon inside
2, Stand cans in a pot of hot water on the stove,
3, Fill kettle and switch on.
4, when water in the pot is hot, turn can over. then turn off heat.
5, By now the fermenter should be clean, so empty out and rinse well
6, rinse top of cans and can opener with boiling water from the kettle.
7, Open both cans and pour into fermenter.
8, Pour water from kettle into cans to soften any malt left.
9, refill kettle and boil again then rinse out cans again and add to fermenter and stir until dissolved.
10, Fill up to 5 gallon mark plus half an inch (assuming its a 5 gal kit) sprinkle on the yeast and put lid on.
11, Place in required position and insert airlock and fill,
12, Place heater belt about 2 inches from the bottom around fermenter.
13, If you dont have a belt GET ONE, This maintains the correct temp which is crucial for the fermentation process.
14, Ignore what the box says,
15, Leave to ferment for 14 days, do not disturb/ look in/ take samples/ test/ taste or anything that could allow air or bacteria to get to the brew. This will allow complete fermentation removing any yeast flavours.
16, After 14 days
17, Carefully place fermenter on a worktop ready for transferring. I also place a wedge of wood at the back underneath to get as much out as possible.
18, sterilise pressure barrel (and long spoon and syhpon tube) and rinse (bottling is a waste of time IMO, get a barrel if you want proper draught beer)
19, pour 100gms of sugar into the barrel.
20, Place barrel on floor or chair that is lower than the fermenter.
21, Carefully syphon the beer into the barrel keeping the tube below the level in both, This stops the brew being oxidised or air entering the brew that could introduce off flavours.
22, When done, stir to dissolve the sugar and screw on the lid (with some vaseline smeared around the thread ensuring the seal is in place.
23, I tap tight with a rubber mallet and small stone chisel to ensure a good seal.
24, Place back where fermenter was and fit heater belt onto barrel and switch on.
25, leave on for 2 days then remove.
26, Conditioning stage.
27, Place the barrel somewhere cool to condition, the longer you leave it the better it gets 4 weeks minimum.
28, I'm now drinking Wherry that been conditioning for two months and its perfection in a glass
29, I also have another barrel of Wherry and a barrel of Ruby all two months old
30, i do all of the above exactly the same every time and every beer has been amazing.
31, I have 3 barrels in rotation that gives me a regular supply of well conditioned beer. If you dont have at least 3 barrels then the temptation is to drink the beer too soon and never really appreciate what the conditioning process does
32, The more you faff about with it the more you risk ruining it. My golden rule is LESS IS MORE! LESS faffing about is MORE quality beer....
If you follow this recipe you will have some of the best beers that match any pub beer