What are you drinking tonight 2023.

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Having a quick cider in the garden before the supposed thunder storm.

Family have left now, in part because of the persistent rain, leaving me alone with my beer and my ultimate BBQ seasoned nut mix (part of my Father’s Day present). I actually love to sit outside in the rain as long as I’m warm and dry, listening to the rain on the canvass canopy. Still on the bitter 😉

Little taster of this Cascade Amber Ale I kegged today, loosely based on the Anchor steam pale ale recipe.
Extra pale MO, Vienna and a little dark Crystal to bring up the EBC.
90 min boil, single hopped with Cascade most of the IBUs from a big flameout addition.
Some chill haze but looks and tastes promising, will be taking this on holiday.
First of my father's day beers. Wifey chose them and every single one is a belter. Being woken up by your wife and two amazing daughters with a card and 10 fantastic bottles of beer is just so good. I was then allowed out to play on my push bike for a few hours, then down the pub for a couple of Bass' and back for a buffet tea. Happier than a pig in sh*t.

I dry-hopped some of my last batch of my Flakey bitter. Having drunk the d-h earlier, I'm now drinking the vanilla. The dry-hopped was OK, but an experiment I won't repeat. The hops in the original were just fine.
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