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New Member
Feb 13, 2012
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Hello all!
I am a newcomer to brewing and have had trouble clearing my youngs lager kit. The beer has tasted fine (much testing has occured.) it simply would not clear even after 1 month of conditioning.
My friend and I decided to try a few things.... With further investigation I happened to put about 1 litre into a pet bottle (with a view to putting it into the fridge to see if temp made a difference. On doing this I happened to need to gas the keg to get more out (Like I said much testing had occured :)). After gassing the keg I found that the lager is perfectly clear and even tastes different! I Just wondered if there was any particular science behind this or is it consigned to the WTF file?
What king of keg are we talking about? A bottom tap or a top tap or even a cornie?
Temp will help it clear, the cooler you can get it after the first week or two in the heat to get it conditioned, the quicker it will drop clear. If it's a bottom tap or cornie you would expect it to take a longer time to clear, as you need to wait for the clear beer to be below the level of the tap if it's a top top you wouldn't have to wait as long as the clear beer sits on top and gets served first.
I wonder if some yeast had settled out in the tap assembly and by pouring a litre you cleared it? It happened to me once and in the end I had to transfer the beer to another barrel.
It's a moot point now as A friend and I have emptied the keg (no not down the sink :) )!
I have a funny feeling it may have been the tap water. At the moment when I run the taps here there seems to be cloudy ( due to oxygen?). I am planning to make another brew now and will see if it goes differently. I took a photo of the difference and will post it when I get chance. Weird.........