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Dec 31, 2009
Reaction score
Falkirk, Scotland
Right folks, I've been writing a web site for my Mrs' personal trainer business. Would appreciate any feedback you can offer to help me improve it - and compliments always accepted too :lol:

Just had a quick look to see what stands out. There seems to be quite a bit of 'white space' well blue really. IMHO I think it needs something top right hand side and perhaps the pictures in the text a bit bigger also perhaps make the opening text ie 'We are Get Fit 4 It - Personal Trainers.......' a little bigger. But apart from those criticisms (which I will probably regret now) it seems good.

To add to the comments above, one thought would be to move the contact details upwards and the news across from the left to the right.

Having the news under the menu, will probably get a bit lost, but apart from some tweaking a nice clean uncluttered site.
logo at the top needs more work
not sure if my wife would want a picture of here backside taking centre stages on a website

unless she is selling bum toning :grin:

make your email spam proof. there are ways search online says harvesting by bots

keywords i would try to be more specific

<meta name="keywords" content="Fit4it,fitforit,Personal,Trainer,Trainers,Falkirk,Perth,Stirling,Central,Scotland,muscle,fitness,diet,nutrition">

personally without running a program i have

i would have something more like

<meta name="keywords" content="Personal Trainer : Falkirk,Perth,Stirling,Central Scotland,muscle conditioning, pre and post natal fitness, diet and nutrition,GetFit4it,Getfitforit,">

keywords need get better results if specific, IE: area and business, not many people will search for getfit4it

unless they know you exist already
most people will search for body conditioning falkirk, personal trainer falkirk/perth etc

ill see if i can get a chance to run a program later and see what it comes up with

get signed up to google webmaster aswell not just analytics

hope it helps

PS: search yourself on words you would use to find services like yours, then see what the competiton have done
google will also tell you how often it is search for in webmaster tools
As has been said, your banner at the top is too big. Think about tweaking the images, all of them, so that they are sized to match the text they relate to. The right hand column looks slightly odd with the shading going in the opposite direction and feels a bit empty but I presume there will be several trainers there in the finished article. Possibly lose or reduce the space at either side. I'm looking at this with Safari on a Mac btw.

Otherwise pretty clean and easy to understand, which is definitely a good thing.
Layout most common now is to use a 960 grid the one thing I found with your website was that it didn't fit on a 1024 pixel screen without left right scroll bars

I also ran it thorough the W3c Validator and it failed but pretty minor errors

As a static site it is pretty good, but you will need someone familiar with HTML to change it and edit it, have you considered using something like a CMS like Joomla! (Which divorces content from layout) . . . I suppose it depends on what your web host allows your to run . . .If you want to see what is possible with professional layouts Joomlashack has a huge range. The good thing about a CMS based website, is that once the software is installed and configured, anyone (with authority) can create articles, and they all pick up the same look and feel.
I'm having the same scrolling issue as AM now I am at work (winXP, firefox not a widescreen monitor).

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