videne trust issues

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May 21, 2011
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Got my videne from boots yesterday ( they ripped me off 10 quid and the bottle seemed a quarter empty )
anyway I used it yesterday and I'm sure I got it right 1.25 ml per liter of water so 5 ml in 4 liters.
I just feel so uneasy about it I sanitised a corny yesterday and kegged a wine and I hope it's going to be ok is there minimum contackt time?
I know it's more of a ball ache but I feel I trust my old vwp more for some reason.
also what do you guys use to measure out the videne I have a 1 ml syringe but it's not very long so I had to pour the videne into the cap first. and I spilt some ! What a mess you don't want to get that on your White grout ha ha ha
When I first started using it, I didn't see how such a tiny amount in the litre could possibly do anything, but I've been using it for a while now with no issues whatsoever.

I use a 2.5ml syringe and just tilt the bottle slightly.

Contact time is just a few seconds.
Moley said:
When I first started using it, I didn't see how such a tiny amount in the litre could possibly do anything, but I've been using it for a while now with no issues whatsoever...
Ditto. :thumb: I'm a little more paranoid about leaving a taste of iodine, so I always rinse with cold water but, like Moley, I've had no issues whatsoever.

If you buy your Videne from an online chemist, you'll certainly get better value than paying a tenner, and you can also order a larger syringe at the same time.
We have used videne for months now and never doubted its capabilities for sterilising. We have used it in cornys bottles and syphoning tube etc and its always done the job. We never rinse either. You will find videne cheaper on amazon we paid around £4.80 for a bottle :thumb:
I've used videne for my last 3 brews, no issues at all. Far easier to use for the incidentals - like spraying the solution onto the fermenter tap nozzle before attaching the hose to drain the beer into the cornie :thumb:

I've used it for wine and for beer - no odd tastes, and so far no issues with infections.

I think I paid Boots around £5.40 odd for mine, but if you know anyone in the NHS, I think the wholesale proce is closer to £1.80 a bottle :shock:
I've used it for over a year now and have no worries about it - I use a measuring spoon and always make 4 litres with 5ml. My bottle is now nearly finished, so its lasted well :thumb:
Excuse me butting in but which Videne are you using - just found there are 3 different types.
Yeah and don't get it from boots I'm sure my bottle was missing some.... no seal ontop which is strange for medical supplies and looked a quarter
empty for 10 quid
Thats the same as when I got it ffrom Tesco for 6.99, no seal and 3/4 full but it does the job
I've got the same feeling as i've just bottled 2 brews and started another over the weekend using Videne for the first time.

Boy is it a lot quicker tho'

Nice to see all the advice is positive, mine was 3/4 full aswell and no seal
I've been using iodophors for 3 or 4 years now, and only one bottle (a single bottle) infection in all that time. The infections in the FV have not been down to the fault of the sanitiser but the fault of the brewer!! :shock:

I use a set of measuring spoons to dispense it (1.25ml 2.5ml, 5ml and 15ml about 5 quid from Amazon in shiny). The bottles used are 600ml so unfortunately they do look as though there is some missing.