Videne price?

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Feb 3, 2012
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Just been on with my local chemist for a price on some Videne.
They told me it was £9.77 for 500ml, is this an ok price and is this maybe too much volume wise?


Been a long time since I brought any, but last time it was £5 a bottle of 500ml.
Had a quick look online and yes looks like the price has gone up somewhat :shock:
I'll see about getting some then if thats not a bad price.
I've run out of VWP and want a no rince steriliser instead. :thumb:
+1 on your price Andy, had to explain to pharmacist why I wanted it,
"I want to sell my wife's last kidney "
After she nearly fainted I told her about my hobby and she to,d me her hubby was a home brewer and she would get him some! ;)
Mine said that same price to me but ended up charging £8.50 when it came in, I guess that it it was a little cheaper when it came in than their list price.
i know somebody who works for the company that makes it, anyone need an IBC full lol
Anybody wanting to bulk buy there are cases of 12 bottles for £49 on ebay that's under £5 per bottle
Andyhull said:
I'll see about getting some then if thats not a bad price.
I've run out of VWP and want a no rince steriliser instead. :thumb:

Just to check, you are aware that Videne is not a direct replacement for VWP...
I think 500ml is the minimum quantity, however it keeps and will last you a good while. I still use VWP to sanitize my FV's etc and just use the Videne for bottling.
Andyhull said:
Just been on with my local chemist for a price on some Videne.
They told me it was £9.77 for 500ml, is this an ok price and is this maybe too much volume wise?



Paid £9.95 for 500ml last week from my local chemist. I've heard it's a bit cheaper from the likes of Asda but I couldn't be bothered making the journey.....

Cheers Tom
Awolphotography said:
Andyhull said:
I'll see about getting some then if thats not a bad price.
I've run out of VWP and want a no rince steriliser instead. :thumb:

Just to check, you are aware that Videne is not a direct replacement for VWP...

it's more than a replacement, it's a vast improvement, in both price and convenience :mrgreen:

OK, so everything does have to be clean first, but that's no biggie, and the no-rinse aspect is a top attraction for lazy sods like me :lol:
Thanks for the replies guys,

I always clean the FV (etc) before and after use so cleaning isn't the reason im not using VWP anymore, im looking at using it mainly for the bottling side of things as Big Yin said.
It will reduce the amount of water i need to use (we're on a meter) due to not needing to rince twice to get rid of the residual VWP niff and also to be able to give the FV (etc) a quick spray litterally a minute or 5 before beginning.


Andyhull said:
Thanks for the replies guys,

I always clean the FV (etc) before and after use so cleaning isn't the reason im not using VWP anymore, im looking at using it mainly for the bottling side of things as Big Yin said.
It will reduce the amount of water i need to use (we're on a meter) due to not needing to rince twice to get rid of the residual VWP niff and also to be able to give the FV (etc) a quick spray litterally a minute or 5 before beginning.



Exactly what I do, and it works for me. :cheers:
I clean everything with oxy or washing crystals then when I am ready to brew I steam my FV over an open kettle on the floor for 5-10 minutes (it is messy makes loads of water on the floor and then spray with Videne. Lids are sprayed with videne

Bottles are all put away clean so when I come to use them I just have to dunk them in a bucket of videne solution at a rate of 1.25ml per Litre.

Hydrometers and thermometers get sprayed with Videne solution and syphon tubes are again filled or dunked in Videne solution and sprayed on the outside. I even spray my hands :lol: :lol: