Very cheap and easy, complete no rinse sanitiser solution.

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I've just started using this, but I'd be grateul if someone could give me their input on the dilution rate.
The destructions say use 3-5ml of 5% peracetic per 250ml.
I plumped for the middle of the range and made a 500ml batch with 8ml of peracetic - it smelled very strongly at this dilution, but I put my faith in it and santised a corny and a few other bits and pieces.

I was just a little worried about the no rinse claim, the fact that quite a broad dilution range is given and the fact that it stunk to hell.
Peracetic is what the breweries use in the main i think :wha:
From the fact sheet: of the most powerful microbiocides available....
fast acting

It is a stabilised mix of peracetic acid, acetic acid and hydrogen peroxide in water.
Light cleaning action, terminal disinfecting action....composes to acetic acid and oxygen.