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Jul 28, 2008
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Quick question about verdigris;

what temperature water or chemicals do you need to get rid of verdigris?

i'm wondering if passing the near 80'c liquor through a copper herms system into the tun would kill any potential nasties lurking in the herms coil and scrub it of verdigris.

either that, or running a little liquor through the coil to sit there and letting the herms system boil the water in it for a few mins.
Looking deep into my crystal ball I can see that there is an article on cleaning copper in the next Brewers Contact ;)

Use some hot (60C) white vinegar should get rid of the verdigris without going too far . . . then rinse it off and allow it to dry in the air . . . you want it to get to old copper penny colour . . . not nice shiny penny colour
Apart from the copper content in the brazing to the plate chiller I've got an all stainless gravity brewing system and I'm trying to source an all SS CFC or IC. I don't like the idea of adding verdigris to ever brew I do. If I recall V1 did a post on this earlier.

I don't think anyone's dropped down dead from exposure to copper acetate yet but imbibing it over a long period could make a difference.

Apparently sheep ODing on copper can develop renal failure.

No woolyback ,baabaara or references to New Zealand please :roll