Using stuff from the indian shop in wine or beer

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New Member
Nov 1, 2012
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If you live in any major city in the UK you probably have an asian type shop near you which sells a variety of herbs and spices.

Often I find that some of these products are super cheap in these shops compared to buying them in Tescos. Ground coriander is a good example.

I just wondered if anyone here has ever tried to use any of these ingredients when brewing beer or wine?
I've used some ground coriander seeds in Wheat Beer, but generally I prefer my beer to taste like, er, beer :D My brother-in-law once brewed some Coopers Dark with spices for Xmas and it was very much an acquired taste. :roll:
darrellm said:
I've used some ground coriander seeds in Wheat Beer, but generally I prefer my beer to taste like, er, beer :D My brother-in-law once brewed some Coopers Dark with spices for Xmas and it was very much an acquired taste. :roll:
the coriander is usually used in belgian wit bier (hoegaarden ish ) and i have tried without and it is terrible but just in the right amounts , lovely .
Yes i have a great spice shop by me and yes it's well cheap , often costing around £4 for a collection of things that would of easily cost £10 else where
spices can be over powering and should really be added at the end of fermentation so you can gauge what it is going to taste like, but you won't be needing the quantities you will be buying from an asian shop. :lol: :lol:

I did a spiced IPA with a little clove an little cardamon and a little cinnamon and I mean just a few pods and half inch piece of cinnamon and after a few days in the fv it was way to much ended up chucking most of it. :sick: and what I did keep didn't get better with time.
I malted and made ale from some millet from an Asian C&C, worked but better-lookinig millet is available on ebay (if you can trust the pictures) so I'll be buying there next time I try it.
Got a big bag of citric acid in there too, cheaper than anywhere else I've seen it.

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