Using a Cornie to store wort

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Jun 6, 2011
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A thought has just struck me (probably the only one I'll have all day).
Could you use a sterilised Cornie keg to store unfermented wort under low pressure for a week or so until it's ready to be boiled or pitched?
That's what I thought too. Could be useful for doing a midweek brew over a couple of days.
Probably! I don't have a cornie, but last weekend I pitched some wort which had been brewed the weekend before, stored in a 25L HDPE "jerry-can". (That's a no-chill cube to us BIAB-ers :)

In my case the cube gets a rinse and a bit of StarSan-ing, and the wort goes in hot (over 80°) so that I can be sure it's all sanitised. Then the cube distorts and buckles as it cools - I guess a cornie could handle external pressure, but no idea about temperature?
I would keep it as cool as you can, as you will run the risk of potential spoilage. Even though you are going to boil later there is the potential for bacteria and wild yeast to get in and d o there thing. Bacteria can cause off flavours.

IMHO overnight mashes are the best way to to split a brew day, but looking at your suggestions I think a cornie with co2 would be marginally better than a jerry can, but there will still be oxygen in the wort which bacteria could thrive on. In a finished beer the beer is also protected by the co2 in the beer as well as the layer above.

I might be talking complete and utter B*llocks but those are my thoughts on the subject

I would probably bring it to the boil for 10 mins before bunging it in the corny, as otherwise there is the chance of wild yeasts from the grain starting to ferment it.

I put 2L of spare unboiled wort in a sanitised lemonade bottle in the fridge once, and after about 5 days it had already started fermenting of it's own accord...
I put 2L of spare unboiled wort in a sanitised lemonade bottle in the fridge once, and after about 5 days it had already started fermenting of it's own accord...

Did you leave it to finish and drink it?! :)
check out aussie brew sites for the no-chill wort storage concept, where the post boil wort isnt chilled but is instead poured into a cube 'plastic jerrycan', and the close to boiling heat is used to sterilise the cube interior, and any air not squeezed out prior to sealing.. i cant see why a corny cant be used instead of a jerrycan.. ive tried the no chill on 2 brews one was a lovely pint the second , perhaps needs more maturing?? it caught my interest as i have a small controlled fermentation capacity, but want to brew more on a brewday.. so if i can brew and ferment in stages i get more beer :)
As I have said the problem I can see is that the wort will have oxygen in it, the aussies are doing it to chill it before pitching and will not be leaving it any great length of time before pitching, well not more than 24hrs.

Also if you are boiling it to store it and then reboiling it then you may as well boil it and finish it. :thumb:
WelshPaul said:
A thought has just struck me (probably the only one I'll have all day).
Could you use a sterilised Cornie keg to store unfermented wort under low pressure for a week or so until it's ready to be boiled or pitched?
I'd be a bit worried if it hasn't been boiled to sterilize it... :? :?
There could be a few nasties from the grains that are lurking and create mould???
