Upgrading my setup to HERMS...

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Feb 14, 2012
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I have a plastic AG setup as per this link HERE...

As far as I can tell I will need a HLT which I assume I could just make another one of these?


Then I need a heat exchanger?

Reading around other posts I could but one of THESE and convert it with another kettle element and mini copper coil...

Then I need some pumps in order to move all the liquids around, do most people use THESE?

I've made a diagram for what I have in my head, does this make sense?


Thoughts and comments and suggestions will be greatly received...thanks in advance!
Put some eyelashes on and we may get some more coverts from the fairer sex. :grin: Oops sorry gone completely off topic. Anyway good luck with your upgrade.
your temp probe (pt100) ideally wants to be on or as close to the outlet of the herms coil as possible. It enables an accurate reading as the wort is coming out the coil
our herms pot is very similar

you can see where the probe enters the flow of the wort we only use 1 solar pump its portable so can use to pump water from hlt etc
I.ve only one pump and use it to underlet my mash tun then swap it to the herms inlet and outlet for my herms recirculation then over to the boiler for pumping into that only bit of gravity feed i use is for sparging ir all connects using vossys silicone hose and hose tail connectors
You could always build a kettle HERMS like I did and mentioned here. http://www.thehomebrewforum.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=31373&start=20

Doesn't seem that you have a problem with plastic ;) and it's easier to build one of these to dip your toe in the water. Just get a cheapo supermarket kettle, coil up 5M of 8mm copper pipe to fit inside it, you will need a PID to control it with the sensor close to the heat exchanger output, as already mentioned. It's got quite a small heat capacity so response time is reasonably quick if you're doing relatively small brews.

Just had an enforced tasting of the landlord clone I brewed with it (ruddy King Keg tap leaking) and it tastes lovely.
Cononthebarber said:
That is genius! Well done that man, I'm going to nick your idea - hope you don't mind...

Not at all.. The more the merrier. :thumb: Let us know how you get on.

The one thing I did wonder with this setup is whether the heat exchanger would be too restrictive to the flow of wort as most HERMS use a larger diameter pipe that's not as tightly coiled.

I use a Flojet G56 air powered beer pump in my setup, and this is capable of delivering much more flow through it than required, but it's designed to deliver fluid through long runs of narrow tube after all. It would be good to get some feedback on whether a solar pump is up to the job, as I don't have one to try. I suspect it'll be OK, and you could probably get away with less turns on the coil if need be.

Of course, if you happen to have an air compressor, then I can heartily recommend the G56 if you can find one for a decent price. I got mine for £16 brand new on ebay about a year ago.