Just cracked my first bottle as a tester (been off the drink for 3weeks) it was bottled, then kept warm inside for 10 days and has been outside for 1 month exactly today.
I'm not the best at describing but Its a copper colour which I wasn't expecting (but probably should have been) pretty much spot on to a Paulaner, I kid you not!!!! Its really really, really, really, good! At first I was disappointed but after a few swigs it clicked!
Its turned out exactly as it described - a real Munich style ale, hoppy and peppery - those hop character bottles are actually enjoyable but not overpowering as I had feared.
Only thing I would tweak is I primed 500ML with 3/4 TSP of brewing sugar but its not got much of a head, good fizz in the mouth but i'd like to try a full TSP per 500ML next time. there WILL be a next time!!!!