Uh oh - that doesn't look good

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Apr 30, 2010
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Just took a gravity reading from the Woodstock Pale Ale that went into the fermenter 9 days ago.
I pitched a smack pack that turned out to be unviable so a couple of days later I pitched a pack of Safale S-04.

Looking at it today there is a gloopy, porridge like coating over the surface still.

The OG was 1042 and it is now at 1008.

I took a sip and something's not right. A bit of an off-smell and then a acetic sort of flavour to it - could just be because it's not had time to condition right?? Or is it the sign the beer is infected?

What's happened?? Any ideas??

I'm tempted to take it out of the fermenter and away from the yeast to a secondary today.
As a rule, unless it's an obvious massive infection, don't worry about how it looks.

I'm wondering what you mean by acetic, can you describe it a bit more? Sour apples? Chemical off flavour?
Another one to have issues with a smack pack....what brand was it?
give it a week it doesnt sound like its infected but it sounds like an off yeast caused the problems if it still tasted bad you dont have much choice but to either drink or drain
Moved this beer to a secondary on sat and then just tasted again. Got a not very nice yeasty overtone to it.

Anything that can fix ? Or is it time to start getting used to yeasty beer :sick:

I would get it bottled/kegged and leave it for 6 weeks and I think you will notice a difference.