rpt said:
1. Is it necessary to use Irish Moss towards the end of the boil when using a spraymalt based extract kit?
2. Is it a good idea to cool the pan before pouring into the fermenter? Will there be a cold break?
I ask as the recipe for my extract kit doesn't mention either of these things that appear to be a key part of AG recipes.
I'm on about my 10th extract brew and never use Irish Moss, you probably could but I try to keep my beer to the 4 essential ingredients only. As for cooling the pan, yeah I would. I assume you are doing a concentrated boil of 6-10L and then topping up with cold water after? That's what I do. I like to cool the wort in the pan before putting in the FV. I've tried it the other way round and find it cools quicker in the pan, I assume because metal is more conductive. To cool it effectively fill a basin with cold water and stick the pan in, change the water when in becomes warm. Alternately fill your bathtub with cold water and ice, that way you won't have to change the water. You can stir to speed things up but I like to keep the lid on for fear of infection. Hope that answers your questions. Any more let me know. I started doing extract with a Brew UK kit and found them pretty good, although the instructions are a tad sparce. :thumb: