turbo cider

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There are a LOT of threads about TC in the Wine&Cider Discussions section, but in brief:

4l juice, of which 1 half might be something other than apple, and 1/2l strong tea OR 4.5l juice and add tannin
pectolase (not all juices need it)
malic acid (for gourmet version)
Chuck all but 1/2l in a demijohn with an airlock
Add last 1/2l day 2 or 3 when initial ferment dies down
Wait until it clears
Bottle and condition 2weeks warm 2 weeks cold OR (gourmet version) rack or bottle and mature at least 3 months (for malic to mellow and/or malolactic fermentation)
oldbloke said:
That's if you want to play at it!
Else, 24 ltrs juice, initially put 20 ltrs into your fermenter along with 1 sachet of Champagne yeast.
When mad ferment done add last 4 litres.
10 days min ferment, then rack into pressure keg along with Tea from 5 T-bags, 9 tbls Splendor and 5 Campden tablets.
Wait until clear/mature and serve!

Which ever volume you go for remember the big gap required to allow for manic foaming during the first few days of fermentation.

I didn't do this, filled my DJ to within a coupld of inches of the airlock bung and sat back smugly, a couple of hours later I went to look see what the 'odd smell' was, the cider was climing out the air lock and peeing down the side of the DJ.

Took me ages to clear out the ruddy airlock :)

Be adventorous with this, use the cheap 5 litre water bottles from the supermarket and seal the neck with a kiddie's party baloon that's got some needle holes in it, once you've got the recipe sorted at 5 litres, then go for the full 23 litre FV batch, or just keep making 8 pint batches with with a twist so you never get bored.

I'm on the 8 pint batch teory at the minute and loving it, got 7 DJs on the go and will be starting 2 more off this weekend as I rack off the first two:) Beware, it's adddictive ;)
You haven't mentioned batch sizes but 5 gallons (23 - 25L) is usual.

The day before you start, get some yeast (Cider yeast, champagne yeast or at a push general purpose wine yeast will all do the job) and start it off with some water and sugar or a little apple juice in a sanitised starter bottle so it's clearly active and ready to start when you begin cracking cartons of juice.

The dry ingredients:
500g sugar.
5 heaped teaspoons of malic acid.
1 heaped teaspoon of tannin.
1 heaped teaspoon of yeast nutrient.
3 heaped teaspoons of pectolase is optional and may aid clearing depending on the juice you are going to use - I never bother with this though.
Mix all these ingredients thoroughly in their dry state to distribute the tannin and stop it clumping up when added to the liquid.

Sanitize and rinse your fermenting vessel/bucket and add 20l of cheap "value" apple juice from the supermarket and add the dry ingredients and the yeast too - no need for dissolving or boiling - the yeasties will do that.
Put the lid on and go stand it on a lino floor somewhere.

After about 4 days, top up with the remaining juice and reseal.

At 10 days, bottle in primed bottles as you would a beer - but don't over prime, half a teaspoon of sugar per bottle is enough.

You have options such as bulk maturation, clearing and kegging etc but worry about that with subsequent brews.

The cider that this produces is fairly dry with a nice bite and tang and is drinkable after about 5 weeks in the bottle - but a couple of months is better.
If you decide you prefer a sweeter taste, you can add non fermentable sweetener at the dry ingredients stage - start with about 8 tablespoons of Splender/Canderel and adjust to taste.
and or if you like fizzy cider, prime your bottles with a little sugar just like a beer.
The above makes a great refreshing drink and for a few variations, substitute a few litres of apple juice for some other juice ie blackberry grape pineapple etc add a couple of tins of mashed pears. There are lots of variations to suit your tastes and wants.
Hi guys iv just done a TC this morning :)
Let me know what you think :)
500g sugar
1L pineapple juice
4L apple juice (only added 3L will topup when fermentation has slowed down)
I ts pectolase
1 ts citric acid
1 ts tannin
And I used the last of my super wine yeast compound just to get rid of it.
Came to use my glass hydrometer and it's broke :( so no SG.
This will be my 4th TC and iv tried different juices but never pineapple so will see how it goes. Iv got 23L of lager on the go as well so looking forward to the taste testing lol.
Hi guys iv just done a TC this morning
Let me know what you think

I think it's going to be very strong and taste very, very astringent due to the high tannin dose - it'll be drinkable but maybe not 'til christmas because of the tannin.
This stuff looks a lot like a mix called Apflewein. I put one on last night and it is not bubbling......it is boiling.
5 gallon of Mott's apple juice
1 3/4 pound brown sugsr
1 heaping cup table sugar
1118 Lalvin yeast
Mixed all but a half gallon of juice in the carboy with sugars and yeast. Waiting a couple days to let it calm down. Don't nees any boil overs. Mike
mattyboy said:
Hi guys iv just done a TC this morning :)
Let me know what you think :)
500g sugar
1L pineapple juice
4L apple juice (only added 3L will topup when fermentation has slowed down)
I ts pectolase
1 ts citric acid
1 ts tannin
And I used the last of my super wine yeast compound just to get rid of it.
Came to use my glass hydrometer and it's broke :( so no SG.
This will be my 4th TC and iv tried different juices but never pineapple so will see how it goes. Iv got 23L of lager on the go as well so looking forward to the taste testing lol.

One of the clever bods posted a thread on how to estimate the alchohol based on volume of liquid and weight of sugar, assuming your fruit juice is around 150 grammes / litre of sugar you're looking at maybe as high as 12% alchohol, depending on efficencies and other stuff I have yet to understand :)

I think that makes it wine, not cider :)

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