Townes IPA 23/09/08

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Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2008
Reaction score
My last pale ale of the year, from Marc Ollosson's book. Brewing tomorrow (Tuesday).

5500gm Pale Malt
220g Wheat Malt

90 min mash @ 65deg
90 min boil;

90g Cascade 5.4% (90 min)
30g Cascade 5.4% (15min)

Yeast: Gervin English Ale

Very simple recipe but very moorish. If I'm in the mood I may even get the camera out :thumb:
Stonking good beer, have a good brewday Buzz :thumb:

Can wheat malt be directly replaced by torrified wheat or are the two completely different?
Wez said:
Stonking good beer, have a good brewday Buzz :thumb:
Can wheat malt be directly replaced by torrified wheat or are the two completely different?

Cheers Wez. As for the wheat, I'm guessing it's just there for head retention so either would do.
Made a schoolboy error on the mash. I increased the grain bill for my brewhouse effeciency but forgot to alter the mash liquor :oops: I didn't realise until mashing in - when my arm was about to fall off - so I had to fudge it by adding some more water, whilst trying to keep the mash temp constant.

No dramas after that, although the yeast was very slow to get going after I rehydrated it. It meant I left the wort for a couple of hours before pitching as I wanted to make sure the yeast was going like a good'un first.

I took some odd pictures. The first one was taken just after the IC was turned off. It's some of the cold break material in the boiler but looks more like some intergalactic stellar thing


The next was taken looking down inside the boiler whilst it was emptying into the FV. There was about an inch of wort left and, underneath, is all the trub. Looks like a pineapple to me


And here's a more normal one of the wort;

Nice one Buzz. The last Townes I made I added a small amount of crystal to add colour and body. Worked a treat :cheers:
subsub said:
Nice one Buzz. The last Townes I made I added a small amount of crystal to add colour and body. Worked a treat :cheers:
Sounds good. A lot of my lager friends like this one though - I think they may find themselves out of their comfort zone if it was anything but a pale straw colour :D
quality, surreal pictures there Buzz, nice one :clap:

Townes is a firm favourite in our house n'all

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