Am I too late to start a brew for drinking at Christmas? I intend to start of nice and easy with a Woodford Werry kit.
Still not got my kit yet, but as I live only a few miles up the road form Colchester Homebrew shop, I thought I might sneak out of work on Monday and nip down there :)
Was planning to get a basic starter setup from them with a King Keg top valve with S30 valve. I was advised on the keg by a friend, who explained why apart form the S30 bit, anyone care to tell me the difference? Does this sound like a sensible place to start?
next up seems to be a second keg so i can have one drinking and one improving.
The BIG challenge though is going to be to make one keg last long enough for the second to be ready
This assumes of course that I can make a drinkable brew :pray:
next thng to do is set up my sig.
Still not got my kit yet, but as I live only a few miles up the road form Colchester Homebrew shop, I thought I might sneak out of work on Monday and nip down there :)
Was planning to get a basic starter setup from them with a King Keg top valve with S30 valve. I was advised on the keg by a friend, who explained why apart form the S30 bit, anyone care to tell me the difference? Does this sound like a sensible place to start?
next up seems to be a second keg so i can have one drinking and one improving.
The BIG challenge though is going to be to make one keg last long enough for the second to be ready
next thng to do is set up my sig.