To add or not to add extra Warminster Maltings?

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New Member
Nov 10, 2009
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Hello there!
New to this game so be easy on me! Im following an extract recipe 'Summer Ale' from Brew uk. The recipe is to make 5 gallons to which 500g of Warminster maltings crystal malt are added. Would it be a bad idea to add say an extra 500g to this recipe? What essentially would it do to the flavour and finish of the beer? Would it add to the acohol content?
Many Thanks
Do you mean add an additional 500g Crystal Malt, so add 1kg Crystal?

The maximum recomended amount of Crystal in a beer is 20% I'd like to see the rest of the recipe but 1kg of Crystal will be overpowering IMO.

You can boost the alchol content by scaling the recipe up though.

Oh, Welcome to THBF :thumb: