Tinned grapefruit

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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2013
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I have a dozen tins of grapefruit any suggestions for a good wine.
Google turns up lot of recipes for wine from fresh grapefruit, seem to use zest from one and juice from 6 per gallon (possibly US gallon). Dunno what you'd do about the missing zest with tinned. I expect Google would turn up a recipe for tinned if pushed a bit harder, but as _you're_ the one with the grapefruit...
Don't recall seeing any grapefruit recipes on this forum, but then I don't like them so I may have skipped past without thinking about it
Make a 25lt batch with 5lt white grape juice, 3lt apple and your tins of grapefruit. Check how much sugar is in the tinned grapefruit and your juice. Make up to around 5.4kg sugar in total with granulated. Depending on the size of your tins you may want to add more juice to make up around 5lt of fruit juice to match the 5lt of WGJ, but no need to be exact over or under 1/2 lt will be fine. Add 5 tsp tannin and 5 tsp pectolase. Yeast nutrient and a white yeast such as Youngs White Bordeaux.
Thanks for that Bob I will go dig them out at the weekend. :cheers:

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