Tim's Simple electric BIAB system

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Active Member
Nov 14, 2013
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If you lurk on a few of the forums (Jims, BIABrewer), you'll probably have seen this already, but not I've detailed my whole build here:


Like Jay I saw the shininess of the full electric brewery. Infact my friend Ben is building the full system! I wanted something simpler (and a bit cheaper) so I went down the route of getting a pot predrilled from http://www.angelhomebrew.co.uk/ and went on an Amazon spending spree.

By the end I'd got myself all the relevant gear (or so I'd thought) but ended up putting in several orders to Auber to get some replacement stuff for the lower quality Chinese rubbish I'd bought.

I put it into an old PC case - long since out of service. It's not IP65, but 'well ventilated'. I just work on the basis I don't intend to fill it with water.
Nice work! I did my first BIAB brew a few weeks ago using my gas stove, but I didn't get a good boil and to be honest I think the beer has turned out pretty badly for it. I'm now part way through fitting electric elements to move to an electric BIAB setup similar to yours... No temp control planned on mine yet, but I'm sure it'll happen before too long!

How have the beers turned out?
TheRtHonorable said:
How have the beers turned out?

Not sure yet, ask me at the weekend when I bottle! Well, assuming the gravity is in the right place.

The wheatbeer has been much slower to ferment, this may be due to my poor yeast count (I know I was pitching a fresh yeast vial which had been badly stored temperature wise) but it did have a lovely healthy looking yeast head on it, but the bubbler was going much slower than expected.

I'll likely as not just prime and keg up the NRB Amarrilo APA on Sunday, build my bottling bucket and get another brew on. Thinking of doing a dark brew next.

Todays challenge is to put together a recipe, get it checked and get a turkey baster for taking samples.

See above for the london porter recipe I'm going to have a go with. I'm not a big fan of porter, but I had the above recently at london hackspace (they have an all grain setup there, not BIAB) and it was good, so I've modified the recipe for BIAB.

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