Times for a Hefeweizen

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Active Member
Oct 15, 2015
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I started of an extract Hefeweizen (2nd brew) on 4th of the November and it bubbled vigorously for a couple of days but then settled down. I had planned to leave it until the 18th (two weeks) to take a gravity reading and then again on the 19th to see if it's all finished up and bottle it if the readings are the same.

Is this a good amount of time in the primary?

Is there any advantage to leaving it any longer than two weeks in the primary?

How long should a Hefeweizen be in the bottle before it is carbonated and ready to drink?
I've just bottled my 5th wheat beer. My cycle is 4d primary, 10d secondary, 2w in the bottle.

I prime with 100g sugar for a 20 litre batch.

Never had a bad one yet
I should probably add that I wait for the krausen to disappear and flocculation to occur, then I take a gravity and if it's nearly at FG I rack to secondary.

This typically occurs 4-6 days after pitching the yeast.

Wheat beers need little conditioning, and after a couple of weeks in the FV should give a good indication of flavour. 2 weeks in the bottle somewhere warm will suffice.

Chill prior to opening or it may be messy
My cycle is 4d primary, 10d secondary, 2w in the bottle.

I won't be putting it into a secondary, it'll be straight into the bottles so should I leave it an extra 10 days in the primary (making it 2 weeks)?
A 2w fermentation is good. Fermentation should have finished by then.

And yeah, racking to secondary is optional. Leaving it in primary for 2 weeks won't hurt, although I find for beers where clarity is desirable, racking to another FV gets rid of the trub etc

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