Three weeks in FV and it's still going!!

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Jan 21, 2013
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I've had a Coopers Sparkling Ale in the FV for a little over three weeks now and the airlock is still bubbling. I played this one by the book with 300g brewing sugar, 500g light DME and a can of coopers light LME. SG came out at around 1056. The airlock looked like it had stopped a few days ago so I took a hydrometer reading and it was down to 1010. The following day the airlock was (slowly) going again and has done ever since. I was expecting a longer ferment than usual (I usually leave them 2 weeks) due to the higher SG but is this taking too long now? I was slightly worried about an infection but after tasting the sample I drew off it seemed ok, yeasty obviously but no obvious off or egg flavours.

Anyone else had a similar experience?
thermalhound said:

I've had a Coopers Sparkling Ale in the FV for a little over three weeks now and the airlock is still bubbling. I played this one by the book with 300g brewing sugar, 500g light DME and a can of coopers light LME. SG came out at around 1056. The airlock looked like it had stopped a few days ago so I took a hydrometer reading and it was down to 1010. The following day the airlock was (slowly) going again and has done ever since. I was expecting a longer ferment than usual (I usually leave them 2 weeks) due to the higher SG but is this taking too long now? I was slightly worried about an infection but after tasting the sample I drew off it seemed ok, yeasty obviously but no obvious off or egg flavours.

Anyone else had a similar experience?

Going by your ingredients 1.010 probably isn't far off the mark at all. Check the gravity again, if it's still at 1.010 then that would suggest the fermentation is finished. The bubbles may be caused by the natural carbonation of the ale coming out. I've not experienced this myself but others have mentioned it. Any change in temperature/pressure would cause this to happen so it is a possibility.

If the gravity is still dropping then leave it to it.

If you're happy it's done I would recommend moving it somewhere cool for a few days to help the beer clear naturally. From there it's up to yourself whether you want to bottle directly, batch prime via a bottling bucket or transfer to secondary to allow more clearing :)
Thanks :cheers: I'll have a check of the gravity again and then decide. It went off like a rocket when I first put it into the FV so I'm surprised it's gone on this long! The temp has been monitored though out and has been between 19.4 and 22.4, averaging at 21, so a little on the high side but I'd think that was a reasonably narrow band.
If you get consistent readings for a few days then take it off the heat and place it somewhere to cool so that the yeast drops out. If you have a spare fv transfere it into that (sterilising first) then bottle when it is crystal clear.

Just to check, did you use the kit can 300g of dextrose, 500g dme and a tin of lme? I thought the kit called for either one or the other?
mmaguy41 said:
Just to check, did you use the kit can 300g of dextrose, 500g dme and a tin of lme? I thought the kit called for either one or the other?

I assumed he was going for extra oomph but if the instructions say either or then I guess it was a wee mistake. The OG definitely supports both being used as the beer is currently sitting at 6%.
maybe the yeast is struggling to deal with the large amount sugar? I might be wrong but maybe the yeast doesnt work as well with high gravity brews
mmaguy41 said:
maybe the yeast is struggling to deal with the large amount sugar? I might be wrong but maybe the yeast doesnt work as well with high gravity brews

Should be OK at that level. 6% isn't very high :)
I used all of the above sugars as the instructions seemed to indicate (although not that clearly) that that was the way to go. After consulting with the forums on here they confirmed that it was all three sugars that I needed to add.
thermalhound said:
I used all of the above sugars as the instructions seemed to indicate (although not that clearly) that that was the way to go. After consulting with the forums on here they confirmed that it was all three sugars that I needed to add.

Were they possibly referring to the can of LME that comes with the kit rather than an additional second can?


Just had a little search and you are quite correct... ... rkling-ale
ScottM said:
thermalhound said:
I used all of the above sugars as the instructions seemed to indicate (although not that clearly) that that was the way to go. After consulting with the forums on here they confirmed that it was all three sugars that I needed to add.

Were they possibly referring to the can of LME that comes with the kit rather than an additional second can?

No they specifically mention a can of Coopers Light Malt Extract rather than the beer kit. Originally I figured it was only this required, making it like a twin can kit, but on reading the instructions and the forums it became clear that the extras were also recommended.
thermalhound said:
ScottM said:
thermalhound said:
I used all of the above sugars as the instructions seemed to indicate (although not that clearly) that that was the way to go. After consulting with the forums on here they confirmed that it was all three sugars that I needed to add.

Were they possibly referring to the can of LME that comes with the kit rather than an additional second can?

No they specifically mention a can of Coopers Light Malt Extract rather than the beer kit. Originally I figured it was only this required, making it like a twin can kit, but on reading the instructions and the forums it became clear that the extras were also recommended.

Sorry I edited my post and included a link showing that you were quite correct to do it as you said :)

That's the highest ABV I've seen with coopers in following the instructions. They must rate it quite highly to be recommending such great ingredients. I'd be curious to know your thoughts on it once it's done if you could post up a little review or something :)
ScottM said:
Sorry I edited my post and included a link showing that you were quite correct to do it as you said :)

That's the highest ABV I've seen with coopers in following the instructions. They must rate it quite highly to be recommending such great ingredients. I'd be curious to know your thoughts on it once it's done if you could post up a little review or something :)

They either rate it, or are short a few quid and want to flog some extra ingredients!! Going to leave it to clear for at least 6 weeks so I'll let you know how it turns out :drunk:
Hmm bummer, i bought mine from thehomebrewcompany as a bundle with enhancer which is what they recomended to brew it with
mmaguy41 said:
Hmm bummer, i bought mine from thehomebrewcompany as a bundle with enhancer which is what they recomended to brew it with

I'm sure it'll work out ok, just maybe a little lower on the ABV :hmm:
The grav is still holding steady at 1010 so that's three days now so in the bottle it goes. I've got a wherry that has been on the go two weeks now and is still showing some activity so think it's time to test the grav on that one as well!
thermalhound said:
The grav is still holding steady at 1010 so that's three days now so in the bottle it goes. I've got a wherry that has been on the go two weeks now and is still showing some activity so think it's time to test the grav on that one as well!

Yup, sounds good :)
graysalchemy said:
If you get consistent readings for a few days then take it off the heat and place it somewhere to cool so that the yeast drops out.

How worthwhile is that... and how long for (roughly)?
winelight said:
graysalchemy said:
If you get consistent readings for a few days then take it off the heat and place it somewhere to cool so that the yeast drops out.

How worthwhile is that... and how long for (roughly)?
Definitely worthwhile. 24 hours is better than nothing but a few days will help. Once fermentation has finished you can keep it in the cold until you get chance to bottle.