'Thin' tasting beer - Help needed

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New Member
Jan 4, 2014
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Hi all,

I got my beer making kit last Christmas and have so far made 5 batches from tinned extract kits. The ones at the start of the year came out really well, being an IPA, a raspberry wheat beer and a standard copper ale.

Recently I've had issues with another wheat beer and a stout which have brewed but taste, for want of a better word, thin. I.e. like water texture, not the thicker viscosity of beer.

Has anyone got any clues as to what could be causing this? Any advice is welcome.
If you can post more details it will help - are they one can or two can, using sugar or DME?

Sugar ferments out completely so will add alcohol but no flavour which tends to thin out the beer compared to LME which will add some depth. Never done a single can kit TBH, but from what I read you need to add a load of sugar in the primary which will just thin it out more.

If you haven't done so yet, I'd recommend you experiment and try a two can kit and add DME instead of sugar (although sugar is fine when priming). It will cost a couple of quid more but you should get a better end result.