Thermobox Mash Tun for Newbies

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Aug 2, 2010
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I found the amazing thread that Vossy published showing the Thermobox MT conversion with the false bottom - amazing. However, it scared the s**t out of me as I'm very inexperienced at using tools and practical projects!

So - is it possible to still use a copper manifold attached to the back of a ball valve, just as you would in a coolbox? Or is that a bit of a waste in a Thermobox. I just don't think I can do the full-scale conversion :(

How much dead-space would there be just putting a ball-valve where the original tap was - would the manifold be close enough to the bottom to be effective?

There's no reason why you cant use a copper manifoild in a stainless pot. I got thermobox without a tap, so had to do some cutting, so went down Vossy's route, but if you have one with the tap, then with a couple of elbows you can drop the manifold down to the bottom of the pot to minimise dead space. You'll need to have a length of pipe/hose off the tap and going down lower than the manifold so that you can use the syphon effect to get the wort out.

... i probably havent explained that too well!

Cant see a problem using a copper manifold. If you use original tap location just make up an S bend with two 90 degree right angle elbows and a short section of copper pipe. Connect manifold to one end and the tap to the other and it will sit on the bottom of the thermo box and should create a syphon effect when drawing off the liquor giving little to no dead space.
I think I get it :D So could you have a splitter with two inputs coming off the back of the tap, one for the manifold and one for the syphon pipe/tube? But wouldn't you need the tube to come out of the valve to the outside to achieve the drop to start syphoning? Maybe I don't get it at all :rofl:

Do you know what the clearance is from the bottom of the tap hole to the inside base?
periolus said:
I think I get it :D So could you have a splitter with two inputs coming off the back of the tap, one for the manifold and one for the syphon pipe/tube? But wouldn't you need the tube to come out of the valve to the outside to achieve the drop to start syphoning? Maybe I don't get it at all :rofl:

no splitter, just one inside the pot to the manifold, and the outside one which needs a length of pipe on it to get the syphon working. I'll see if i can find a picture....
Okay, so two elbows inside making an S-bend, lowering the manifold. And elbow and a short piece of copper pipe with to create a good rate of flow. Is that it? I just thought that it wouldn't get started if the manifold was lower than tap.

Good stuff! Thanks for that!


Is it worth putting some small holes in the elbow at the level of the tap to encourage the flow and induce the syphon effect?
No what you will have is a pipe connected to the tap on the outside of the tun that will drop to below the level of the tuns base. In side the tun will be the s bend conection to the manifold


Simple sketch but should give you the idea.
Perilous, there is a 'how to' on replacing the taps on TB's, however it's languishing in our 'how to development forum' at the mo :whistle:
Pm Aleman and ask him to get it released and/or send you the pictures :thumb:

No pressure A :grin:
Cheers for that! Aleman has a video on his website showing the tap replacement and that will be fine. I am extremely impressed with the express service with scanned pictures on a public holiday! Nice work chaps!

I am now ready, I reckon - now where did I put the money I need to do it :D
snail59 said:
No what you will have is a pipe connected to the tap on the outside of the tun that will drop to below the level of the tuns base. In side the tun will be the s bend conection to the manifold


Simple sketch but should give you the idea.

Picasso, eat your heart out :lol:
Bear in mind that if you cant the internal connections over to the side, you can get the tap closer to the bottom of the tun. My first elbow joint points not straight down, but at about 45 degrees down, then the next elbow matches that, so the connector to the manifold is off centre to allow for that.
I actually think it's easier to put the hole in the bottom like Vossy did.

There is an easier method than Vossys which Aleman did, (I can't find his step by step guide at the moment though). This uses a deck fitting through the bottom. ... %20FITTING

This needs cutting down and then screws into a 15mm female elbow, then I just connected this all to a ball tap.

Here are some piccys of my Mash Tun to see how it fits together.



Ah! I had seen this and assumed it had some kind of false bottom inserted as well. This might be do-able then. Does the ball valve directly replace the original tap?

If i can overcome my fear of drilling holes accurately in steel then I can give this a go, i reckon :thumb:

My Mash Tun didn't come with a tap. Only the smaller ones come with an existing tap.

If yours has a tap already then go with the tap in the side wall and either a false bottom or a copper manifold.

The re is a guide on Jims, here ... =6&t=16181

(hope I'm allowed to post a link to another forum, couldn't see a rule aginst it)

You can reuse most of the components of the existing tap, which makes the conversion job a lot easier.

I have a removable false bottom in my Mash Tun made from a splatter guard with some silicon hose around the edge.
There is a great 'how to' on swapping the tap for a new ball valve, which I will do. The tap doesn't allow you to connect anything else to the outside, which is a no-no in my design!

I'll see how I go - seeing as I have a smaller pot with a tap, then I guess I will be replacing the tap and building the manifold. That will be a cool project :D

Can anyone give me an idea of the amount of wort that will be 'wasted' by doing this method?
Just out of interest - can you get 45 degree elbows from plumbing suppliers? Big Yin mentioned them I think, but I wondered if he had custom-made them himself!

Runwell-Steve said:
I have a removable false bottom in my Mash Tun ......

HA! HA! Sorry, that really reminded me of the song 'Detachable Penis' by King Missile. If you've never heard it, head to Youtube.

On that note, I'll go to bed!

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