The best laid plans of mice and men go oft astray!!

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Aug 25, 2012
Reaction score
North Essex
Doing my second AG brew with my new boiler today. I had planned to do an overnight mash As I was dropping my wife off to her dance class and had a spare evening. We would return to the holiday home in Ipswich when I picked her up at 10.30pm.
Got the water boiled and treated and the grain bill ready, when the wife rang feeling ill and wanting me to pick her up early and go back to the holiday home. So I left the liquor thinking I would come back tomorrow early and start the mash.
Sure enough I started out from Ipswich to home at 7.30, reheated the liquor got every thing ready, THEN COULDNT FIND MY SPARGE BAG??. As I had washed it and hung it on the line last brew I automatically assumed that the wife had "tidied" it up.
Searched everywhere to no avail. Tried to ring the wife but she was having a lay in presumably because she still felt ill. Tearing my hair out (just a phrase I havent got any) for an hour. Then I found it hanging on the spare room door clothes hanger where I had left it. So I am now (10.45am) waiting on my mash.
PS. My wife is not a dragon, but because I brew in the kitchen its convenient to do it when we are at our other home which is only half hour away. Then dinner is cooked etc without bothering me.
Started at 154 deg, down to 152 after 1 hour. Just gave a little boost with thermostat.

3.5 kg pale malt
100gm crystal
100gm Roasted Barley
Mashing in18ltrs

4 gallons.
Came out as a nice mild last time. (smaller quantity)
fbsf said:
oldjiver said:
...Then dinner is cooked etc without bothering me.

Blimey, if I had written that I'd be missing me crown jewels by now...

We've been together 46 years now and we do nearly everything together, and I do a lot of the cooking! But when it comes to brewing I am best let alone. Imagine having a boil over while you are chatting together and forgot what you are doing!!
Heres a pic of the happy couple (and I am nothing to do with Stoke)

oldjiver said:
Started at 154 deg, down to 152 after 1 hour. Just gave a little boost with thermostat.

3.5 kg pale malt
100gm crystal
100gm Roasted Barley
Mashing in18ltrs

4 gallons.
Came out as a nice mild last time. (smaller quantity)

Turned out really delicious!! Finished at 18 grav, slightly sweet, VERY smooth, bit like a cross between a Tolly Cobnut brown ale and a Mackeson.
oldjiver said:
PS. My wife is not a dragon, but because I brew in the kitchen its convenient to do it when we are at our other home which is only half hour away. Then dinner is cooked etc without bothering me.

I also use our kitchen, ideally when everyone is away, including wife. Since my near disaster AG#2 (see other thread) she's still finding splashes of wort, even far away from the hob. Anyway, I have been married 26 years so I should be used to it
Well I thought I was doing well at 38 yrs married. I bow to you sir, well done and also in admiration of your wife's patience and tolerance.

But opposites also work, the wife and me don't have any hobby interests which coincide, and we invariably " do our own thing " but we appreciate and respect the others interests and find time to talk to each other about our successes and failures. It also has seemed to work.
I put 5 litres of this brew in a demijohn under airlock as I ran out of bottles. Forgot about it till 10 days ago. It had clearly been slowly fermenting the dextrins as it was lively when I racked it into bottles. Tried it today and it is well conditioned and tasty. One of the best I have made.